
How To Create A Dictionary In Python Using Loop

3 Ways To Iterate Over Python Dictionaries Using For Loops

…and other answers to the most popular Stack Overflow questions on Python dictionaries.


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A Python dictionary is defined as a collection of data values, in which items are held as key-value pairs. For this reason, dictionaries are also known as associative arrays.

If you are relatively new to Python, or you are preparing for your next coding round, you might have stumbled upon a number of algorithms that require to interact with dictionaries.

Howe v er, it seems that dictionaries keep generating interest not only among newbies, but also among more experienced developers. In effect, looking at the top Stack Overflow Python questions of all times, it seems that three of the most voted topics are:

  • How to iterate over dictionaries using a 'for' loop?
  • How to check if a given key already exists in a dictionary?
  • How to add a new keys to a dictionary?

In this article, I will attempt to provide you with a succinct and clear answer to each one of this questions. This will spare you from going through dozens of comments on the web.

Let's start from the top! πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ½πŸ‘†πŸ»

How to iterate over dictionaries using a 'for' loop?

To answer this question, I have created a dictionary including data of a mock online banking transaction:

          transaction_data = {
'transaction_id': 1000001,
'source_country': 'United Kingdom',
'target_country': 'Italy',
'send_currency': 'GBP',
'send_amount': 1000.00,
'target_currency': 'EUR',
'fx_rate': 1.1648674,
'fee_pct': 0.50,
'platform': 'mobile'

Method 1: Iteration Using For Loop + Indexing

The easiest way to iterate through a dictionary in Python, is to put it directly in a for loop. Python will automatically treat transaction_data as a dictionary and allow you to iterate over its keys.

Then, to also get access to the values, you can pass each key to the dictionary using the indexing operator[]:

                      # METHOD 1 - Unsorted            
for key in transaction_data:
print(key, ':', transaction_data[key])
transaction_id : 1000001
source_country : United Kingdom
target_country : Italy
send_currency : GBP
send_amount : 1000.0
target_currency : EUR
fx_rate : 1.1648674
fee_pct : 0.5
platform : mobile

As you can see, the keys are not ordered alphabetically. To achieve that, you should simply pass transaction_data to the sorted() method:

                      # METHOD 1 - Sorted            
for key in sorted(transaction_data):
print(key, ':', transaction_data[key])
fee_pct : 0.5
fx_rate : 1.1648674
platform : mobile
send_amount : 1000.0
send_currency : GBP
source_country : United Kingdom
target_country : Italy
target_currency : EUR
transaction_id : 1000001

Method 2: Iteration Using .keys( ) + Indexing

The same result can be obtained using the .keys() method that returns a Python object including the dictionary's keys.

This is particularly handy when you just need to iterate over the keys of a dictionary, but it can also be used in combination with the indexing operator to retrieve values:

                      # METHOD 2            
for key in transaction_data.keys():
print(key, '-->', transaction_data[key])
transaction_id --> 1000001
source_country --> United Kingdom
target_country --> Italy
send_currency --> GBP
send_amount --> 1000.0
target_currency --> EUR
fx_rate --> 1.1648674
fee_pct --> 0.5
platform --> mobile

Method 3: Iteration Using .items( )

However, the most "pythonic" and elegant way to iterate through a dictionary is by using the .items() method, that returns a view of dictionary's items as tuples:

          print(transaction_data.items())                      Output[4]:
dict_items([('transaction_id', 1000001),
('source_country', 'United Kingdom'),
('target_country', 'Italy'),
('send_currency', 'GBP'),
('send_amount', 1000.0),
('target_currency', 'EUR'),
('fx_rate', 1.1648674),
('fee_pct', 0.5),
('platform', 'mobile')])

In order to iterate over the keys and the values of the transaction_data dictionary, you just need to 'unpack' the two items embedded in the tuple as shown below:

                      # METHOD 3            
for k,v in transaction_data.items():
transaction_id >> 1000001
source_country >> United Kingdom
target_country >> Italy
send_currency >> GBP
send_amount >> 1000.0
target_currency >> EUR
fx_rate >> 1.1648674
fee_pct >> 0.5
platform >> mobile

Note that k and v are just standard aliases for 'key' and 'value', but you can opt for an alternative naming convention too. For example using a and b leads to the same output:

          for a,b in transaction_data.items():
transaction_id ~ 1000001
source_country ~ United Kingdom
target_country ~ Italy
send_currency ~ GBP
send_amount ~ 1000.0
target_currency ~ EUR
fx_rate ~ 1.1648674
fee_pct ~ 0.5
platform ~ mobile

Extra - Iterating Through Nested Dictionaries πŸ€“

But what if you need to iterate through a nested dictionary like transaction_data_n ? Well, in this case, each one of the keys represents a transaction and has a dictionary as a value:

                      transaction_data_n            = {
'transaction_id': 1000001,
'source_country': 'United Kingdom',
'target_country': 'Italy',
'send_currency': 'GBP',
'send_amount': 1000.00,
'target_currency': 'EUR',
'fx_rate': 1.1648674,
'fee_pct': 0.50,
'platform': 'mobile'
'transaction_id': 1000002,
'source_country': 'United Kingdom',
'target_country': 'Germany',
'send_currency': 'GBP',
'send_amount': 3320.00,
'target_currency': 'EUR',
'fx_rate': 1.1648674,
'fee_pct': 0.50,
'platform': 'Web'
'transaction_id': 1000003,
'source_country': 'United Kingdom',
'target_country': 'Belgium',
'send_currency': 'GBP',
'send_amount': 1250.00,
'target_currency': 'EUR',
'fx_rate': 1.1648674,
'fee_pct': 0.50,
'platform': 'Web'

In order to unpack the key-value pairs belonging to each nested dictionary, you can use the following loop:

                      #1. Selecting key-value pairs for all the transactions                    for k, v            in transaction_data_n.items():
if type(v) is dict:
for nk, nv in v.items():
print(nk,' →', nv)
#nk and nv stand for nested key and nested value Output[7]:
transaction_id --> 1000001
source_country --> United Kingdom
target_country --> Italy
send_currency --> GBP
send_amount --> 1000.0
target_currency --> EUR
fx_rate --> 1.1648674
fee_pct --> 0.5
platform --> mobile
transaction_id --> 1000002
source_country --> United Kingdom
target_country --> Germany
send_currency --> GBP
send_amount --> 3320.0
target_currency --> EUR
fx_rate --> 1.1648674
fee_pct --> 0.5
platform --> Web
transaction_id --> 1000003
source_country --> United Kingdom
target_country --> Belgium
send_currency --> GBP
send_amount --> 1250.0
target_currency --> EUR
fx_rate --> 1.1648674
fee_pct --> 0.5
platform --> Web
----------------------------- #2. Selecting key-value pairs for 'transaction_2 only' for k, v in transaction_data_n.items():
if type(v) is dict and k == 'transaction_2':
for sk, sv in v.items():
print(sk,'-->', sv)
transaction_id --> 1000002
source_country --> United Kingdom
target_country --> Germany
send_currency --> GBP
send_amount --> 3320.0
target_currency --> EUR
fx_rate --> 1.1648674
fee_pct --> 0.5
platform --> Web

How to check if a given key already exists in a dictionary?

You can check membership in Python dictionaries using the in operator.

In particular, let's say that you wanted to check whether the send_currency field was available as a key in transaction_data. In this case you could run:

          'send_currency' in transaction_data.keys()                      Output[9]:

Likewise, to check if the value GBP was already assigned to a key in the dictionary, you could run:

          'GBP' in transaction_data.values()                      Output[10]:

However, the check above won't immediately tell you if GBP is the value assigned to the send_currency key or the target_currency key. In order to confirm that, you can pass a tuple to the values() method:

          ('send_currency', 'GBP') in transaction_data.items()                      Output[10]:
('target_currency', 'GBP') in transaction_data.items() Output[11]:

If the transaction_data dictionary included hundreds of values, this would be the perfect way to check that GBP is indeed the send_currency for that specific transaction.

Handy! 😏😏😏

How to add a new keys to a dictionary?

Lastly, let's pretend that, at some point, the Analytics Team asked you to add both the user_address and the user_email fields to the the data available in the dictionary. How would you achieve that?

There are two main method:

  • Using the square brackets [] notation:
          transaction_data['user_address'] = '221b Baker Street, London - UK'          for k,v in transaction_data.items():
transaction_id : 1000001
source_country : United Kingdom
target_country : Italy
send_currency : GBP
send_amount : 1000.0
target_currency : EUR
fx_rate : 1.1648674
fee_pct : 0.5
platform : mobile
user_address : 221b Baker Street, London - UK
  • Alternatively, you could use the update() method, but there is a bit more typing involved:
          transaction_data.update(user_email='')          for k,v in transaction_data.items():
transaction_id :: 1000001
source_country :: United Kingdom
target_country :: Italy
send_currency :: GBP
send_amount :: 1000.0
target_currency :: EUR
fx_rate :: 1.1648674
fee_pct :: 0.5
platform :: mobile
user_address :: 221b Baker Street, London - UK
user_email ::


In this article, I shared 3 methods to iterate through Python dictionaries with 'for' loops and extract key-value pairs efficiently. However, be aware that even more 'pythonic' solutions exist ( i.e. dictionary comprehensions).

Despite being a relatively basic topic, "how to iterate over Python dictionaries?", is one of the most voted questions ever asked on Stack Overflow.

For this reason, I also answered to other two extremely popular Stack Overflow questions about checking membership and adding new key-value pairs to Python dictionaries.

My hope is that you will use this article to clarify all your doubts about dictionaries in the same place. Learning code is fun and will change your life for good, so keep learning!

How To Create A Dictionary In Python Using Loop


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